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Creation History Projects

  1. Bibliographies of Creationists
  2. Books about Creation/Evolution
  3. Conferences and Events
  4. Debates
  5. Legal Cases
  6. Museums, Science Centers, Outdoor Adventures
  7. News Archives
  8. Opinion Polls and Surveys
    • Teaching
      Public acceptance or rejection of teaching creation and intelligent design vs evolution in public schools
    • Public Opinion
      Attitudes and opinions concerning evolution versus creation or intelligent design, origin of humans or life, and belief in God
  9. Organizations
  10. Periodicals
    • Audio Quotes
      Audio clips of professing Evangelicals who do not hold to one or more of the following beliefs: the days of creation were six twenty-four-hour periods, a historical Adam and Eve, a global flood, and a recent creation
    • Video Quotes
      Video clips of professing Evangelicals who do not hold to one or more of the following beliefs: the days of creation were six twenty-four-hour periods, a historical Adam and Eve, a global flood, and a recent creation
  12. Resources