Darwin Bicentennial

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Ongoing (throughout 2009)

  • Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina. The Darwin Bicentennial at Appalachian State University Speakers: Eugenie Scott, Jay Hosler, John Haught, Ken Miller, Janet Browne, Edward J. Larson, Michael Ruse, James Costa, Sean B. Carroll, Paul Ewald, Jonathan Weiner, Elisabeth Lloyd, and Niles Eldredge.
  • Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Darwin: the Growth of an Idea, 150th Anniversary Speakers: Judge John E. Jones III, Edward Humes, Joan Roughgarden, Edward J. Larson, Tim M. Beera, and others. Sponsors: Ohio State University, Columbus Museum of Art, COSI, Urban Arts Space, WOSU, ASC Community Partnerships, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Franklin Park Conservatory, Case Western Reserve University, and University of Cincinnati.
    "The Ohio State University, in partnership with other higher education institutions and community organizations, hosts a celebration of science to highlight the importance of evolutionary studies to our understanding of the history of our planet, to the health of humans, and to the future of the biosphere that is confronted with unprecedented global climatic change."
  • Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. 2008-2009 Year of Darwin and Evolution Speakers: Sean B. Carroll, Judge John E. Jones III, Neil Shubin, Edward J. Larson, Jerry V. Coyne, Ronald Numbers, E.O. Wilson, Neil Greenspan, and others.
  • Houston, Texas. Darwin 2009 Houston Speakers: Francisco J. Ayala, David J. Lipman, George V. Coyne, David A. Wheeler, John H. Wilson, and others. Sponsors: John P. McGovern Foundation, Friends of the Texas Medical Center Library, Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church, the Leakey Foundation, Wolters Kluwer Health, OVID, Institute of Physics, Elsevier, and Stat!Ref.
  • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Darwin Celebration 2009 Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sponsors: Duquesne University, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Children's Museum Pittsburgh, National Aviary, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Carnegie Science Center, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
    "The life and intellectual impact of Charles Darwin will be celebrated in Pittsburgh with a citywide series of events for children, teachers, students, and the general public. Darwin's legacy in fossils, living plants and animals can be absorbed through learning activities and interactive experiences."
    "Unique aspects of Darwin's accomplishments will be highlighted using the distinct abilities and resources of institutions throughout Pittsburgh. This unparalleled and ambitious partnership is coordinated by Duquesne University."
  • Cincinnati, Ohio. Darwin Celebration Sponsors: University of Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky University, and Ohio State University.


  • November 5-8. Stony Brook University, Long Island, New York. Darwin 2009: 150 years of evolutionary biology Speakers: Douglas Futuyma, Michael Lynch, Peter Bowler, Neil Shubin, Michael Foote, Tim White, and others. Sponsor: National Science Foundation.
  • July 31. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. Genesis Kinds: Creationism and the Origin of Species Sponsors: Center for Origins Research (Bryan College), BSG: A Creation Biology Study Group, Biblical Creation Ministries, Center for Science and Theology (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary). Speakers: Paul A. Garner, Todd Charles Wood, Kenneth J. Turner, Roger W. Sanders, Kurt P. Wise, Joseph W. Francis.
  • February 9-16. State University of New York, New Paltz, New York. Darwin Week 2009
  • February 9-12. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Darwinm Week 2009 Sponsors: University of Northern Iowa Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI). There will be a series of presentations by faculty members from several academic departments of UNI, as well as by other invited speakers. In addition, there will be displays, exhibits, etc. on the theory of evolution and related topics sponsored by area museums, science groups and various student groups.
  • February 4-6. High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. Genesis Kinds: Creationism and the Origin of Species Sponsors: Center for Origins Research (Bryan College), BSG: A Creation Biology Study Group, Biblical Creation Ministries, Center for Science and Theology (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary). Speakers: Paul A. Garner, Todd Charles Wood, Kenneth J. Turner, Roger W. Sanders, Kurt P. Wise, Joseph W. Francis.

See Also