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Audio clips of professing Christians who do not hold to one or more of the following beliefs:

  • the days of creation were six twenty-four-hour periods
  • a historical Adam and Eve
  • a global flood
  • a recent creation

Carson, D.A.

Biography. Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois

  • Q & A with D.A. Carson. Beginning at 44:00.
    In this interview, Carson is asked about how to handle organizations that promote the idea that the earth was created millions of years ago. He skirts the issue and claims that scientists need far less evangelizing than students of the arts and soft sciences, on the basis that the latter group is much more susceptible to the influence of post-modernism.
  • The God Who Made Everything (mp3 file). Beginning at 11:21 and 13:09.
    Carson claims during a presentation on his book The God Who Is There that there is "much ambiguity" in the interpretation of Genesis 1. At 13:09, Carson asserts that Genesis 1 is a "mixed genre" and that some of the text "feels like history" but is full of symbolism. He says that it is hard to tell the difference between the two.

Collins, C. John

Biography. Professor of Old Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri

Dembski, William

Biography. Research Professor in Philosophy, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas

  • The End of Christianity - Part 1. Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff via Beginning at 11:15 and 29:36.
    Hanegraaff asks Dembski what he believes regard the fall of man. Dembski admits to being an old earth creationist and claims that there was death in the world before the fall, though he believes Adam and Eve were real people. At 29:36, Dembski explains the doctrine of “divine anticipation,” and argues that God created a world with natural evil in anticipation of Adam and Eve’s sin.
  • The End of Christianity - Part 2. Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff via Beginning at 10:12, 13:18, and 49:46.
    Dembski says a view that the universe is only 6,000 years old makes our universe “deceptive” because dating says it is old. At 13:18, Dembski makes the argument that the Garden of Eden was an area segregated from natural evil, and that when Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden, they were thrust into a world of natural evil. He says that young earth perspective makes a segregated area like the Garden of Eden meaningless. At 49:46, Dembski explains the idea of chronos time versus kairos time. The latter, he argues, is “God’s time,” and that it doesn’t follow any chronological time order. Dembski groups Genesis 1 into the kairos time category, and essentially explains away literal days of creation.
  • The End of Christianity - Part 3. Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff via Beginning at 25:35 and 29:30.
    Dembski uses Christ’s death which resulted in the purchase of salvation for believers past, present, and future as a frame for his theory that the Fall and the resultant introduction of evil worked retroactively. At 29:30, He claims that God brought evil into the world in anticipation of Adam and Eve’s sin, but that God can still call the universe “good” because the evil was “in God’s purposes.” Using chronos and kairos time, Dembski says that the evil can precede the sin because of kairos (“God’s time”). He argues that God did not intend for man to sin, but that He prepared in anticipation of it.
  • The End of Christianity - Part 4. Bible Answer Man with Hank Hanegraaff via Beginning at 8:57 and 26:35.
    In Hanegraaff's final interview of Dembski, Dembski responds to listeners' questions. Dembski says he takes an old earth view because he believes the evidence points there strongly. He goes on to use starlight in defense of his position, claiming that light reaching the earth is "billions of years old." At 26:35, a caller asks Dembski about the discovery of soft tissue in a T. rex bone. Dembski admits that if the discovery were valid, it would lend support to a young earth view, but that he would need to research it more. Hanegraaff asserts that the only tissue found was collagen, not fresh blood or blood cells, and therefore the soft tissue causes no problems for an old earth view.

Irons, Lee

Biography. Ph.D. candidate, Fuller Theological Seminary; M.Div., Westminster Seminary California; former Orthodox Presbyterian Church minister (ordination was revoked by the OPC following a series of charges concerning Irons's teachings on homosexuality, the Decalogue, and civil government)

  • Creation, Part 1 (Gen. 1). Beginning at 18:34.
    Irons explains that he does not believe days in Genesis 1 are literal days and gives his reasoning. (The above link does not provide a time indicator. To download this file as an mp3, go to and locate the media file named "04 Creation, Part 1 (Gen. 1).")

Keller, Tim

Biography. Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Manhattan, New York; attended Westminster Theological Seminary

  • Q&A: How do Genesis 1 and 2 relate? Tim Keller (Audio Only). Beginning at 4:00.
    Keller lays out an argument for why Genesis 1 cannot be literal. Keller claims that Genesis 1 is a poem, and he goes on to say that taking it literally undermines the authority of the Bible.