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These organizations maintain electronic copies of their official publications.


Intelligent Design

  • Biologic Institute
    BIO-Complexity. Annually.
    BIO-Complexity is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a unique goal. It aims to be the leading forum for testing the scientific merit of the claim that intelligent design (ID) is a credible explanation for life. Because questions having to do with the role and origin of information in living systems are at the heart of the scientific controversy over ID, these topics—viewed from all angles and perspectives—are central to the journal's scope.

    To achieve its aim, BIO-Complexity is founded on the principle of critical exchange that makes science work. Specifically, the journal enlists editors and reviewers with scientific expertise in relevant fields who hold a wide range of views on the merit of ID, but who agree on the importance of science for resolving controversies of this kind. Our editors use expert peer review, guided by their own judgement, to decide whether submitted work merits consideration and critique. BIO-Complexity aims not merely to publish work that meets this standard, but also to provide expert critical commentary on it.

Old Earth

  • Reasons to Believe
    TNRTB - The New Reasons to Believe Newsletter. Discontinued.

Young Earth

  • Creation Research (Australia)
    Creation News. Quarterly.
  • Creation Science Association for Mid-America (CSAMA)
    CSA News. Monthly. Discontinued.
  • Lutheran Science Institute
    LSI Journal. Quarterly publication.
  • Triangle Association for the Science of Creation (TASC)
    TASC newsletter. 8-10 issues per year.
  • Twin Cities Creation Science Association
    Creation Bulletin. Ten times per year. No August and December issue.