Video Quotes

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Video clips of professing Christians who do not hold to one or more of the following beliefs:

  • the days of creation were six twenty-four-hour periods
  • a historical Adam and Eve
  • a global flood
  • a recent creation

Alexander, Denis

Biography. Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, St. Edmund's College, Cambridge, England

  • What is your main objection to Young Earth Creationism? The Test of Faith channel via
    Throughout the clip, Alexander argues two points: 1. Genesis 1 does not demand a young earth view, and it is abusive to the text to say it does, and 2. the evidence is "overwhelming" that the earth is old.
  • Who were Adam and Eve? The Test of Faith channel via Beginning at 1:20.
    Alexander says that Adam and Eve were "neo-lithic farmers" that God chose to be in fellowship with Him, and that there were many other humans around at the time.

Boyd, Greg

Biography. Senior Pastor of Woodland Hills Church, St. Paul, Minnesota

  • Greg Boyd on the Dangers of an Ultra-Literal Perspective. Beginning at 1:15.
    Boyd explains how he was taught that Genesis 1 had to be taken literally or the Bible is unreliable. He eventually concludes that this is an unnecessary belief and possibly an obstacle to coming to Christ.
  • Dinosaurs, Theology Q&A 17 of 23. Beginning at 3:35.
    Boyd says he believes that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. He goes on to explain why he believes young earth creationism is a "house of cards" theology.

Collins, Francis

Biography. Director, National Institutes of Health; founder of The BioLogos Foundation, San Diego, California

Craig, William Lane

Biography. Research Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, La Mirada, California

  • William Lane Craig is not a creationist. (Interview from the Michael Coren Show.)
    Throughout this clip, Craig claims that the earth is about 13 billion years old, that he will not contradict mainstream science, and that there is nothing in the Bible that indicates how old the universe is. He then claims that young earth creationists' claim that Noah took dinosaurs on the ark is reading something into the Scriptures that is not there.
  • On Young Earth Creationism and Death. Beginning at 0:45.
    Craig claims that the idea that there was no animal death or suffering before the fall is a "young creationist myth."
  • William Lane Craig's View on Creation and Evolution. Beginning at 0:40.
    Craig responds to a question regarding his own stance on creation by saying that he has a "somewhat agnostic" view that is somewhere between progressive creation and theistic evolution.
  • Does Evolution Disprove Christianity? Beginning at 1:43.
    Craig says that while teaching a course on the doctrine of creation, he determined that Genesis was a "theologically rich, stylized narrative." He claims that there are many other theories outside of six-day creation that are available to "Biblically faithful" Christians and that are "consistent" with modern evolutionary science. He cites Augustine to back up his claims on creation.

Dembski, William

Biography. Research Professor in Philosophy, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas

  • Uncommon Knowledge: Genie Scott vs. Dembski. National Center for Science Education via Beginning at 2:10.
    The interviewer asks whether Dembski and Scott agree that the earth is old, and both agree. The interviewer then addresses Dembski, asking him if he believes the earth is as the Bible claims, about 6,000 years old, to which Dembski responds, "I don't buy that."
  • Nightline: Classroom Challenge. Beginning at 1:25 and at 6:50.
    Dembski first says that there is good evidence for common descent, and that it's merely the mechanisms of evolution that are questionable. He later claims that creationism is not a "live option," that it has been "roundly defeated," and that he does not see how intelligent design could be turned into "full blown young earth creationism."

D'Souza, Dinesh

Biography. President, The King's College, New York City, New York; conservative author and speaker on politics and religion

  • Riz Khan - Darwin's legacy - 21 July 08 Part 1. Al Jazeera via Beginning at 2:30, 4:00, and 5:30.
    D’Souza refers to evolution as a “strongly-supported theory.” At 4:00, he says that the ID movement is erroneous to try to find fault with evolution and that he “accepts evolution as a scientific idea.” At 5:30, D’Souza claims that evolution is “true as far as it goes,” but that it fails to explain everything.

Enns, Peter

Biography. Senior Fellow, Biblical Studies with The BioLogos Foundation, San Diego, California

  • Lecture: Erasmus Lecture -- Peter Enns, Feb. 9, 2011. Westmont College via
    Throughout this lecture, Enns makes the argument that “Adam” in the New Testament is representative of Israel, and that Adam and Eve were not the only humans on earth in the beginning. He claims that God chose Adam from among people because Adam was the beginning of Israel.
  • Peter Enns on the Apostle Paul and Adam. Beginning at 15 seconds.
    Enns argues that Paul did not have the benefit of modern science when he was connecting Adam and Jesus. He says that Paul did not know that “common descent was assured,” and he therefore believed Adam was a historical figure. Nonetheless, Enns concludes that Paul’s scientific ignorance does not hurt his theological point, nor does it affect modern scientific discoveries.

Falk, Darrell

Biography. Professor of Biology, Point Loma Nazarene University, San Diego, California

  • How old is the universe? The Test of Faith channel via
    Falk claims that the universe is "around 13 billion years old" and the earth is "4.3 billion years old." Falk explains how he would convince a Christian undergraduate student that the earth is billions of years old.
  • Reading Genesis 1-3. The Test of Faith channel via Beginning at 1:45.
    Falk argues that Genesis 1, like the Psalms, is not making any kind of scientific or historical statement, but rather that Genesis is emphasizing God as creator.

From the Dust

Documentary on the book of Genesis by filmmaker Ryan Pettey. Produced in cooperation with BioLogos.

  • From the Dust: Evolutionary Creation. Transcript of clip is provided.
    This is the first clip in a series to be featured from the documentary. In this clip, Richard Colling, Darrel Falk, Kerry Fulcher, Lincoln Harvey, Michael Lloyd, Alister McGrath, John Polkinghorne, and Jeff Schloss deal with how God created the world. They attempt to connect evolution with the Bible.
  • From the Dust: The Book of Genesis. Transcript of clip is provided.
    This is the second clip to be featured from the documentary. In this clip, Peter Enns, Ard Louis, Alister McGrath, Nancey Murphy, John Polkinghorne, Michael Ramsden, Chris Tilling, John Walton, Karen Strand Winslow, and N.T. Wright discuss the text of Genesis 1. They argue that authority of Scripture in Genesis is not the issue, interpretation is.
  • From the Dust: The Fall. Transcript of clip is provided.
    This is the third clip to be featured from the documentary. In this clip, Michael Lloyd, Alister McGrath, John Polkinghorne, and Jeff Schloss deal with the Fall. They claim that evolution gave mankind moral awareness and that the Fall did not usher in death and evil, but rather moral awareness and "human sadness at transiency and decay."
  • From the Dust: Paul's Adam. Transcript of clip is provided.
    This is the fourth clip to be featured from the documentary. In this clip, Michael Lloyd, Alister McGrath, Chris Tilling, David Wenhem, and N.T. Wright handle what Wright calls the "Adam problem." They assert that Adam is merely a "representative figure" of humanity in general, and not necessarily a historical figure.
  • From the Dust: Framing the Debate. Transcript of clip is provided.
    This is the fifth clip to be featured from the documentary. In this clip, Ard Louis, Alister McGrath, Nancey Murphy, John Polkinghorne, Michael Ramsden, Jeff Schloss, and Chris Tilling weigh in on evolution and its relation to Christianity. They claim that science has no responsibility to find purpose in a process, but simply to describe the process. Therefore, they say, Christians must apply purpose to evolution, instead of denying it, and should accept that because humans were made from dust, we are no different from the animal kingdom.
  • From the Dust: History of a Worldview. Transcript of clip is provided.
    This is the sixth clip to be featured from the documentary. In this clip, N.T. Wright discusses the history of evolution and the co-existence of science and faith. He believes that both sides have preconceived notions that must be given up before the debate on evolution can even start.
  • From the Dust: Requiring Certainty.
    This is another clip from the documentary. In this clip, Steve Cohen, Peter Enns, Kerry Fulcher, Ard Louis, and John Polkinghorne assert that the desire for absolute certainty from Christians in areas such as creation has led to Fundamentalism. They believe that fear of irrationality has led people to hold on to Fundamentalist beliefs about the Bible.
  • From the Dust: Expanding the Paradigm.
    This is another clip from the documentary. In this clip, Michael Lloyd, Alister McGrath, John Polkinghorne, Michael Ramsden, and David Wenham discuss the difficulties of handling a challenge to one's worldview. They claim that modern science must be allowed to change and influence our "paradigm" and view of God.
  • From the Dust: From Chaos to Order.
    In this clip, Richard Colling, Ard Louis, and John Polkinghorne embrace the definition of random that says that things have an equal opportunity of happening. They believe that chaos and disorder are necessary for new forms of life to emerge, and that this process "reflects the hand of God."

Giberson, Karl

Biography. Professor of Physics, Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy, Massachusetts

  • Karl Giberson on God as Creator.
    Giberson concludes that origins are not important in Biblical doctrine; rather, Christians simply need to focus on how God sustains creation.
  • How do you reconcile Christianity and evolution? Templeton Foundation channel via Beginning at 1:10.
    Giberson explains that Christians deny evolution because they want to be "unique" among creation. He calls Christians' denial "self-serving."

Haarsma, Deborah

Biography. Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Harrell, Daniel

Biography. Senior Pastor of Colonial Church, Edina, Minnesota

  • Daniel Harrell: A Pastor Deals with Adam and Eve. Beginning at 0:45.
    Harrell says that Adam and Eve were real, but that they were not the first humans. They were simply selected by God among humans to be in a covenant relationship with Him.

Hunter, Joel

Biography. Senior Pastor of Northland, A Church Distributed, Longwood, Florida

  • Joel Hunter on the Danger of Preaching on Genesis Beginning at 2:10.
    Hunter says that Christians should not "bully" those who do not believe like they do, but that there are some who are not using their full intellectual capacity who need permission to do so (he implies that six-day literalists are those people not using their intellect).

Keller, Tim

Biography. Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Manhattan, New York; attended Westminster Theological Seminary

  • The Veritas Forum: Belief in an Age of Skepticism? UC Berkeley Events channel via Beginning at 21:30.
    While discussing truth claims, Keller briefly admits that he is not against all understandings of evolution, but that evolution cannot be used to explain away religion and God.
  • Eric Metaxas and Tim Keller "Fireside Chat". Beginning at 19:12.
    Keller describes himself as an old earth progressive creationist who believes in a literal Adam and Eve. He explains that the Bible does not teach that the earth is young, therefore he follows science on that issue.

Longman III, Tremper

Biography. Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College, Santa Barbara, California

  • On the Creation Account. Wilberforce Video channel via
    Longman argues that a literal interpretation of Genesis is at odds with what scientists are discovering, and that the Biblical text is not disputing modern science but rather ancient near eastern ideas.

Louis, Ard

Biography. Royal Society University Research Fellow and a Reader in Theoretical Physics at the University of Oxford, Oxford, England; International Secretary for Christians in Science; an associate of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion

  • Ard Louis on Interpreting Genesis.
    Louis claims that the length of the days in Genesis 1 are undetermined because the sun and the moon were not created until the fourth day; he concludes that there could not have been literal days without a sun and moon.

McDowell, Sean

Biography. Co-author of Understanding Intelligent Design with William Dembski; Head of Bible Department, Capistrano Valley Christian School, San Capistrano Valley, California

  • On Evolution (Sean McDowell). Beginning at 24:25.
    McDowell's entire lecture seems to be predicated on the idea that the earth is old. He examines common ancestry and contrasts it to what he claims the fossil record shows regarding the Cambrian explosion. McDowell dates the Cambrian explosion as occurring "roughly 530 million years ago." McDowell does not use Genesis in his teaching.

McGrath, Alister

Biography. Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education, and Head of the Center for Theology, Religion, and Culture, at King's College, London, England

  • What are we to make of Adam & Eve? The Test of Faith channel via
    McGrath seems to indicate that he agrees with evolution and modern cosmology. McGrath says that Adam and EVe were not historical figures, but "stereotypical figures" that represent the human race as a whole and that their story is a story about all of us.
  • What is the relationship between science and religion? The Test of Faith channel via Beginning at 1:38.
    McGrath claims that our faith and science are not the same, and that while our faith can be used to inform science, science will eventually explain anything we do not know.

Moreland, J.P.

Biography. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, California

Piper, John

Biography. Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Bethlehem Baptist Church; Chancellor and Professor of Practical Theology and Biblical Exegesis, Bethlehem College and Seminary, Minneapolis, Minnesota

  • John Piper - What should we teach about creation? Desiring God channel via Beginning at 2:45.
    Piper says he accepts John Sailhamer's view on the age of the earth, because Sailhamer's framework allows God to prepare the land for man. Piper claims that man came into existence according to the Biblical genealogies, but he distinguishes this from the age of the earth.

Schloss, Jeff

Biography. Distinguished Professor and Chair of Biology; T.B. Walker Chair of Natural and Behavioral Sciences; Director, Center for Faith, Ethics & Life Sciences at Westmont College, Santa Barbara, California

  • Evolution: What We Know and What We Don't.
    Schloss claims that the evidence for common descent is "overwhelming" and that we simply need to look for the means by which evolution came about, not for evidence of evolution.

Waltke, Bruce

Biography. Distinguished Professor of Old Testament, Knox Theological Seminary, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

  • Evangelical Scholar Believes in Evolution?
    ABC News coverage of Bruce Waltke's appearance in a BioLogos Foundation interview in which he claimed that if the "reality" of evolution were to be denied by Christians, it would make Christianity "a cult."

Walton, John

Biography. Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois

  • John Walton on Defending the Authority of Scripture. Beginning at 1:10.
    Walton argues that Genesis 1 provides only a theology and a functional account of how things work, not a historical account of creation, because the Israelites would not have been concerned about the historical account.

Wright, N.T.

Biography. Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland

  • N.T. Wright on Adam, Eve and the USA. BioLogos Foundation channel via
    Wright says that Christians need to "lighten up" and stop trying to argue that Genesis is history or myth. At one point, he refers to Adam and Eve as a "primal pair."
  • N.T. Wright and Pete Enns: What do you mean by literal? BioLogos Foundation channel via Beginning at 3:22.
    Wright says that a literal reading of Genesis 1 is not concerned with the days or structure, but simply with the fact that God created earth and humanity.
  • N.T. Wright on Genesis. BioLogos Foundation channel via Beginning at 1:55.
    Wright argues that the "big story" of the Bible and Genesis is that Israel "blows it." He says that if a reader comes to Genesis concerned about the length of the days, he is not really reading the text; rather, he's making the text into what he wants it to be.